
Nessisthemainprotagonistinearthbound.HisenemiesareGiygasandPorky,hisnon-canonsmashpartnerisLucas,andhistruefriendsareJeffAndonuts, ...,NessisthesilentmainprotagonistofEarthBoundandisanalogoustoNintenandLucasintheirrespectivegames.Hegreatlyenjoysbaseball.Ness'sMother·Ness'sFather·Ness'sNightmare·Lucas,Nessisdepictedasathirteen-year-oldboyresidinginthefictionaltownofOnettinEaglelandwhohaspsychic...

Ness | New Earthbound Games Wiki

Ness is the main protagonist in earthbound. His enemies are Giygas and Porky, his non-canon smash partner is Lucas, and his true friends are Jeff Andonuts, ...

Ness - EarthBound Wiki

Ness is the silent main protagonist of EarthBound and is analogous to Ninten and Lucas in their respective games. He greatly enjoys baseball. Ness's Mother · Ness's Father · Ness's Nightmare · Lucas

Ness (EarthBound)

Ness is depicted as a thirteen-year-old boy residing in the fictional town of Onett in Eagleland who has psychic abilities referred to as PSI. In EarthBound, ...


The game focuses on Ness and his party of Paula, Jeff and Poo, as they travel the world to collect melodies from eight Sanctuaries in order to defeat the ... Ness · EarthBound fandom · Giygas · Porky Minch

Ness (EarthBoundMother)

Ness (Nesu) is the silent main protagonist of the Nintendo video game EarthBound (MOTHER 2 in Japan), and is analogous to Ninten and Lucas ...

Ness - WikiBound, your community

Ness is the protagonist of EarthBound. He is a boy from the town of Onett who is gifted with various PSI powers, including the unique power ... Ness's family · Ness's Nightmare · Paula

Earthbound Ness Retro SNES 電玩T 恤, 黑色: 服裝

評分 4.8 (10) 產品詳細資訊關於這個商品 · 布料類型. 100% 棉 · 保養說明. Machine Wash · 裙鉤類型. Pull On · 衣領樣式. Crew Neck ...

comparing Smash Ness to Earthbound Ness is like ...

Ness is the best party member in Earthbound. Poo is kind of terrible, the only good thing is that he is the only version who can use Starstorm.


Ness is the main character of the cult classic SNES RPG EarthBound, the most successful game in the Mother/EarthBound franchise.

Welcome to EarthBound - Nintendo Switch Online

EarthBound / EarthBound Beginnings: Join Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo in their quest to fulfill an age-old prophecy to stop the wicked Giygas ...